AKA Ashtaroth, Astarot, Asteroth

Duke of Hell, Archdemon, Member of the Unholy Trinity, Leader Among the Qliphoth, Prince of Accusers
Jewish / Christian
Astaroth is generally depicted as a nude or semi-nude, squalid man with feathered wings, who wears a crown, seats himself upon an infernal dragon and carries a viper in his right hand.
- As a member of the Unholy Trinity (alongside Beelzebub and Lucifer), Astaroth is among the most powerful demons in Hell, taking second place only to Satan himself
- Deceives using cleverness and sophistry
- Seduces by appealing to laziness and insecurity
- Can grant invisibility and lead one to hidden riches
- His name is likely derived from the Phoenician and Mesopotamian goddesses Astarte and Ishtar, respectively