AKA Paymon, Paimonia

The Devout, The Cunning, King of Hell
Paimon is most often portrayed as a man with a feminine, girlish countenance who possesses a remarkably strong male body however, despite its contrast to a traditionally hyper-masculine frame. He is frequently seen astride his dromedary wearing a crown of precious stones, preceded by a host of demons.
- Perhaps the most loyal and obedient of Hell's kings with regard to Satan's will
- Commands over one hundred legions of demons in Hell's army, possibly two hundred according to some sources
- Has extensive knowledge of the arts, sciences and all things secret, and thus is capable of revealing all of Earth's mysteries
- Invoked by inquisitive conjurers who seek his counsel
- Known upon being summoned to therefore demand as much information about the conjurer(s) as he wishes before providing any answers