Demon Facts



AKA Hekate, Chthonia, Klêidoukhos, Triodia



Goddess of Witchcraft, Queen of Witches, Ruler of Ghosts




Perses (father); Asteria (mother); Scylla, Aeëtes, Circe, Pasiphaë, the Mormolykeia (offspring)


Like most Greek goddesses, Hecate is anthropomorphic and not exactly displeasing to the eye. She is usually presented holding a pair of torches or a key, and occasionally with a tripartite skull—each face like the corner of a triangle. She can also be identified by her crown of six to eight large outward-facing spikes.


  • Resides in the underworld of Hades and Persephone, but is chiefly associated with entrance thereto
  • Due to Hecate's ambivalent nature, as well as her role as a deity "between" the realms of the living and the dead, it has been debated whether she is in fact a demoness at all
    • The consensus today however is that she is both a goddess and demoness
      • Scylla and the Mormolykeia, for example, as her irrefutably demonic offspring, attest to Hecate's categorization as a demoness
  • Her areas of expertise are witchcraft, necromancy, sorcery, potions, ghosts and magic
    • She is thus regarded by some Westerners as the primordial witch or the queen of witches, influencing the propogation of certain ideas by Christians and similar groups